Make-Up Study Program Synergizes in Developing an Independent Curriculum
Submitted by humas-ft on Thu, 2020-12-03 16:03
The Free Learning Program according to the Minister of Education and Culture will be a direction for future learning that focuses on improving the quality of human resources, as directed by the President and Vice President. The Merdeka Learning Program is a form of policy adjustment to restore the essence of the assessment that has been increasingly forgotten. Based on the Rector of UNY No. 5 of 2020 concerning the Merdeka Learning Curriculum Free Campus Undergraduate and Applied Undergraduate Program, what is meant by Merdeka Learning Kampus Merdeka is a learning program that facilitates students to strengthen their competence by providing opportunities to study outside the study program at the same university and / or take learning in the same study program at different universities, learning at different study programs at different universities, and / or learning outside the college. In order to provide the same provision and perception regarding the implementation of the UNY Merdeka Learning Campus, on Monday (15/6) at the UNY Auditorium a "Socialization of the Free Learning Curriculum at UNY Campus" was held. Attended by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Dean, Chairperson and Secretary of Institution, Head of Bureau, Deputy Dean for Academic and Cooperation, WCU Coordinator, Study Program Coordinator, Academic Expert Staff, and several other invited guests. In his remarks, the Rector of YSU, Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd. conveyed that the meeting involving many participants was held for the first time, even though it still paid attention to the Covid-19 protocol, namely still wearing a mask, maintaining distance, and always washing hands with soap.